Friday, February 4, 2011

Yesterday was Sea Olympics- a huge event on board! My hall was the Yellow Sea and we got all decked out to compete. I opted to be a cheerleader but got put into the “Crew Suit Relay." This was a relay race where you had to put on a crew’s big white uniform and run a certain distance and back before passing it to the next person. We got FIRST PLACE!! It was so exciting! We ended up being the only event that the Yellow Sea got first place in. I was pumped that I participated!

Another favorite event was synchronized swimming. All the teams got really into this and we saw everything from boys singing titanic in speedos to a super-mix of everything from classical to the Waka Waka song! I think Yellow deserved first place, but we ended up with third in this category.

 I also made a contribution to an exciting event , “Dress Your LLC. We selected a theme out of hat, American Tourist (how appropriate), and we had 30 minutes to dress our LLC. I think I ran to our hall and back about 10 times during the half hour to collect things! Our LLC had it all from 6 cameras to the zinc-covered nose, patriotic flag bandana, and topped with a massive mosquito net- it was great!

The Yellow Sea didn’t place this year in the final awards but I think we all felt like winners and we bonded and shared  a ton of team spirit! I know I had fun.… Plus  I had just heard that TESSA GOT INTO GETTYSBURG! and that was victory enough for me.

Ghana on Sunday!! Its Ghana be a good time ☺ , can’t wait!


  1. Love the Ocean Olympics! And did you have Neptune Day too? So anxious to hear about your Ghana adventures too. The first Catto in Africa!

    anddd yay everything sounds so funn miss you!
    Hope Ghana is a blasttt =]
